Wonderful Writing


The train horn blows and I jump out of bed. I’m a mess. Going to a party last night was not a good idea. I rush to my wardrobe and pull out my favourite top. It’s all crumpled and wet and smells like cat pee. I throw it back in my drawer. The horn blows again. I grab an old shirt, some jeans, throw an apple in my bag and run for the door. A blur rockets past my window and I know at once it’s the train. My heart sinks as I see the laughing kids and the back of the train disappear into the fog.

I turn around to look for my car; nothing. Only my whimpering dog and my number plate. I walk over to the bent, rusted, faded number plate.”Lane1” the name I had always wanted. Ever since I had been adopted life had been perfect. My very own name, pet, family everything. My dog’s eyes penetrate my thoughts. All of a sudden it bears its teeth, growls and runs at me! My concentration was on the train before but now my only intention was to run. Twigs snapped underfoot as I sprinted down the road. I exhausted myself quickly. Running in oversized shoes was not easy. The dog lay panting on the road a few feet away. I had outran it, just. It’s bloodied paws dripped as the smell of decaying meat filled the air. It quickly melted away into the tarmac. I was fully aware this was a dream. More like a nightmare I thought. Buildings crumbled into spirals and trees morphed into the ground. There I was, on the couch. My dog was on my face while my cat lay on the clock, completely muffling out the sound of the alarm. As I woke a blur rocketed past my window and I knew at once it was the train………  
By Joe

Elephants are lands biggest mammal.

Trunks are elephant’s main use, they are used for many elephant habits, such as lifting things, smelling things, and sucking up things. Elephants also have long tusks to dig for food and lift heavy objects. Giant ears keep an elephant nice and cool.
Elephants don’t have a home, they just go out and wander off in a herd searching for a water and food supply. Elephants also sleep standing up, and while doing so they keep remarkable balance.
Elephants are like triceratops they are herbivores (plant eaters) they use there long tusks to smash trees for fruit, and to dig for roots from the ground. Elephants are constantly eating, and teaching there youngers how to do so them there selves.
The oldest female Elephant becomes the leader of the whole herd, she also is the wisest of them all and leads them to a close by supply of nutritious needs. Males when they grow up become lonesome and leave or they go with other males. Females stay in a group and search for other elephants.
Females have calf’s every 4-6 years. While there growing up they are taught how to control their trunk. The whole family joins in with teaching and babysitting.
Elephants have nothing to worry about when they’re fully grown because predators like tigers or lions can’t take down a fully grown elephant, but the babies have to watch out because they are an easy target for the predator. Elephant’s main worries are drought they can die of thirst very easily.
Man is slaughtering the elephant kingdom replacing their ground with farms. Even hunters kill elephants for their tusks.

By Liam


  1. love my story, joes one is pretty awesome too!

    1. Cool writing liam and joe they are relly good storys

    2. Awsome report Liam I think it's alot better than mine.
      Liam O

  2. Good describing words Joe but maybe a bit longer? And Liam, great report you've got there.
